You can view or download this month’s Prayer and Praise diary here or read all of the points below.
Week 1
Sun 1st – DR Congo The World Health Organization recently declared a global health emergency in the DRC after a severe outbreak of monkey pox. Pray for the people of the DRC and especially those in the IDP camps, which are being particularly impacted by the disease.
Mon 2nd – Uganda Praise God for the 12 young mothers who graduated from their cookery and tailoring training last month. Pray that they might be able to now find work quickly to help support themselves and their children.
Tue 3rd – India There has been severe flooding across parts of India in recent weeks. Many people have died or are still missing. Others have lost homes and livelihoods. Pray for everyone that has been affected as they mourn or struggle with their loss, and continue to pray for them as they look to rebuild.
Wed 4th – Indonesia Praise God that the local government recently supported our partner’s agricultural project by proving vegetable seeds (tomato, pak choy, eggplant and bitter melon) for each of the families in the program.
Thu 5th – Cambodia Praise God for the great results of three children in Sunshine’s sponsorship program during recent regional school exams. The students came 3rd, 18th and 20th out of the whole district.
Fri 6th – Uganda Pray for CFM as they wait for their operational permit to be renewed. New government policies have led to a tightening of the process and to the closure of many NGOs in the area. According to the team at CFM they have already been “cleared by the most complicated offices” but they are just waiting on one final stamp of approval.
Sat 7th – DR Congo Pray for the vocational training students (in sewing and carpentry) and the students in their final year of secondary school at Ephphatha as they’re awaiting their final exam results.
Week 2
Sun 8th – Uganda Pray for Hilda (a counsellor at the Wakisa Centre) and her mother, who is suffering from joint and skeletal issues and the challenges that come with that. Pray for Hilda as she balances supporting her mother with her work at the Centre and pray for healing and relief for her mother.
Mon 9th – DR Congo Pray for a student at the Mugunga primary school whose mother was recently shot and killed. The mother was an active member of the school’s committee of parents and so many members of the school community are in mourning. Please pray for them at this heartbreaking time.
Tue 10th – Cambodia Praise God for the safe delivery and good health of Mrs. Sophea’s (Sunshine’s Senior Organisational Development Coordinator) new baby boy.
Wed 11th – Indonesia Praise God that our partner’s recent internal audit of the Sumba project (by members of our partners head office) was a success.
Thu 12th – India Pray for Ram (BCM’s Finance Manager) and his mother, who is undergoing open-heart surgery this month. Pray for a successful surgery, a full and swift recovery, and for Ram’s family as they support his mum.
Fri 13th – DR Congo Pray for Mrs Dorcas at Ephphatha, who is due to give birth this month. Pray for continued health for mother and child and a safe delivery when the time comes.
Sat 14th – Uganda Pray for students in our partners’ programs as they return to school this term and praise God for keeping them safe over the holidays (sadly, during this time, as there is less supervision, there are often more cases of injury and abuse).
Week 3
Sun 15th – DR Congo Praise God that over 90% of students at the Mugunga primary school successfully passed their end-of-the-year exams, including 100% of final-year students who just received their certificates to move on to secondary education. This is an outstanding result compared to all other schools in the region and especially considering everything that is going on around them in the IDP camps.
Mon 16th – Uganda Pray that God would bless Wakisa’s local fundraising event this week. Pray that many people turn up, that they enjoy the day and are inspired and able to give generously.
Tue 17th – Indonesia Pray for the ongoing construction of agricultural demonstration plots in two of the communities our partner serves. These will be used to teach and demonstrate how to build a nursery, make basic organic fertiliser, clean and prepare the land, seed and plant vegetables.
Wed 18th – India Despite the recent rains, people in Bangalore and the surrounding areas are still facing severe drinking water challenges. As an example, in Hosur Bande where BCM has a vocational training centre, the centre’s borewell is currently the only safe water source for the whole area. Continue praying for more rain and that solutions can be found soon.
Thu 19th – Cambodia Praise God that Sreypov (the wife of one of Sunshine’s program coordinators), who we prayed for last month after she was hospitalised for severe pain from kidney stones, has now returned home from hospital and is recovering well.
Fri 20th – DR Congo Praise God for the safe transport (from Tanzania) of the bus that was recently donated to Ephphatha (for them to use as a school bus for students that live far from the school).
Sat 21st – Uganda As children return to school praise God for the success of CFM’s holiday literacy and numeracy classes as well as the recent distribution of scholastic materials to all the children in their programs.
Week 4
Sun 22nd – Uganda Praise God that the construction of Wakisa’s new Maternity Centre is now complete.
Mon 23rd – DR Congo Despite an official ceasefire being declared between the DRC and Rwanda last month, fighting between the M23 rebel military group and the DR Congolese army continues, with the M23 taking control of even more territory in recent weeks. Continue to pray for God’s protection over the people of Goma and our ministry partners living there.
Tue 24th – Cambodia A number of Sunshine’s staff members, and their families, have been struggling with illness (many to the point of hospitalisation) in recent weeks. Please pray for their health and healing.
Wed 25th – India Pray for Malar (a teacher and social worker at one of BCM’s vocational training centres) and her daughter, who is expecting her first child this month. Pray for a safe delivery and good health for mother and child.
Thu 26th – Indonesia Continue praying for Lidia, a local Sumbanese woman, who has joined our ministry partner’s team in a finance and admin role. Pray that she might continue to grow in skills and confidence.
Fri 27th – DR Congo Praise God for the deaf pastors, evangelists, and members of the bible translation team at Ephphatha and praise God for the theological training they’ve been recently taking part in.
Sat 28th – Uganda Pray for Pastor Isaac (CFM’s chief operating officer) and his sister who has been having nerve issues recently and is getting scans this month to try and find out what’s causing them.
Week 5
Sun 29th – Cambodia As rainy season continues, keep praying for safety on the roads for the Sunshine team and protection from other challenges that come from this season (e.g. flooding, increased illness, etc.).
Mon 30th – Uganda Praise God for the ongoing success of CFM’s door-to-door evangelism program. People are hearing the gospel for the first time, and many are giving their life to Christ.