Prayer & Praise February 2025

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You can view or download this month’s Prayer and Praise diary here or read all of the points below.

Week 1

Sat 1st – DR Congo On Friday the 24th of January M23 rebel forces invaded the city of Goma, where almost a million displaced people have been seeking refuge from the civil conflict. Our ministry partners in the city are reporting that there is gunfire and explosions ringing out across the city. There are bodies in the streets. The hospitals are being overwhelmed. Water and electricity have been cut off and food is in desperately short supply. Please pray for God’s protection over our partners and for the 2+ million people of Goma.

Sun 2nd – Uganda Continue praying for the new mums at the Wakisa centre who are currently trying to reconcile with their families. Pray for God’s hand over these girls, their children, their parents and the Wakisa team as they try to support the girls and facilitate these reconciliations.

Mon 3rd – India Please pray for the staff member at BCM who has two close family members struggling with alcoholism. Pray that they might find healing and strength to overcome their challenges and pray that God would bless her efforts to support them in this

Tue 4th – Indonesia Praise God for the new savings group that was recently established and for the continuing success of our partner’s savings group program in Sumba. Many families are testifying to how they are being positively impacted and benefiting from the groups.

Wed 5th – Cambodia A number of Sunshine’s team members are asking us to pray for God’s guidance for them, their families and their children in particular at this time.  

Thu 6th – Uganda Praise God for the success of CFM’s recent literacy and numeracy classes in Bunambutye.

Fri 7th – DR Congo Pray for protection over Ephphatha and the deaf community during the M23’s invasion of Goma. They are particularly vulnerable as they cannot hear the signs of danger and cannot hear radio reports and other key information.

Week 2

Sat 8th – Uganda Praise God for Marion, a midwife at Wakisa, and for her good results in her recent nursing exams. Pray that she can continue to successfully balance her studies (to upgrade her nursing skills) with working at the centre.

Sun 9th – DR Congo Pray for all the doctors, nurses, and social workers at the HEAL Africa hospital. Currently, the hospital is still running. With electricity and water cut off in the city they have been using generators to supply power and water via pumps, but they are running low on fuel for the generators. There have also been times when the explosions have got so close to the hospital that staff have had to take cover under hospital beds. Pray for the safety of everyone at the HEAL Africa hospital. Pray that they can get more fuel and continue to provide services for people affected by the conflict.

Mon 10th – Cambodia Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as Sunshine continues to explore expanding their School Development Program into a new rural province, where there are a number of ethnic minorities and families are suffering from high levels of poverty and challenges accessing education.    

Tue 11th – Indonesia Praise God that our ministry partner’s interventions to help moderately and severely malnourished children continue to go well. Praise God for the children that have progressed enough to change nutrition status.

Wed 12th – India Pray for the children and families in BCM’s sponsorship program. Pray that they would experience stability and improved living conditions through the program, but also that they might find peace, hope and spiritual growth as well.   

Thu 13th – DR Congo Pray for the families from the Mugunga camp where HEAL Africa run a school. The Mugunga displaced people camp is situated just outside Goma and the M23 forces hit the camp on their way to the city. We believe that most of families in the camp fled in the days and hours before the rebels came through but please pray for safety and protection for them as they are once again displaced and fleeing for their lives.

Fri 14th – Uganda Pray for the members of CFM’s agricultural program whose crops were destroyed by recent floods. Pray that they might still be able to support and feed their families this season and that they won’t be too disheartened by this setback.  

Week 3

Sat 15th – DR Congo Pray for the soldiers on both sides of the conflict. Pray that God would give them hearts of grace and mercy towards all the civilians they come across in this battle.

Sun 16th – Uganda Continue praying for Sharon, the hospital attendant at Wakisa, and her four-year-old twins who were diagnosed with sickle cell disease last year. Pray for good health for the twins, for Sharon and her family as they continue coming to terms with the diagnosis, and for everyone at Wakisa as they continue to support her.

Mon 17th – Indonesia Pray that God would bless all of the training events being held this month. Some are being put on by our partners for members of the community and some are being undertaken by team members themselves so they can further improve their skills and better serve the community.

Tue 18th – India Praise God for the women in BCM’s vocational training program. Praise God that women from all castes are able and willing to come together to empower themselves, increase their independence, and help support their families, through vocational skills and understanding.

Wed 19th – Cambodia Praise God that Sem Sochetra (Sunshine’s Executive Director) has been able to partner with a local organisation to undertake further training in budgeting and expenditure.

Thu 20th – DR Congo Pray that God would provide food and water for all the people in Goma, especially now that all the supply routes into the city have been cut off.

Fri 21st – Uganda Praise God for the success of CFM’s recent training activities for local pastors and church leaders.

Week 4

Sat 22nd – Uganda There have been a number of babies born at Wakisa in recent months with physical complications. Pray for these babies and their mothers as they deal with the immediate and longer-term challenges of these complications.

Sun 23rd – DR Congo With safe water in such short supply in Goma, it’s likely that people will soon be forced to start drinking water from Lake Kivu, which is known to contain cholera. Pray that safe water can be returned to the city and that God would protect the people from another cholera outbreak.     

Mon 24th – Cambodia Praise God that (despite the funding challenges they’ve been facing) Sunshine has been able to continue having great success and significant positive impacts on their community through their Development Programs and Amnor outreach project.

Tue 25th – India Praise God for the BCM staff member who is expecting their first child next month. Pray for a safe delivery and good health for both mother and child.

Wed 26th – Indonesia Praise God that our partner’s (relatively new) commercial partnerships (with a hotel, school, café and hospital) continue to go well. The partnership means that farmers in our partner’s program now have a more reliable way to sell their produce (and at higher prices) than at local markets.

Thu 27th – DR Congo We recently received a report from Ephphatha that a bomb fell on their church during the fighting, and shortly after, people began looting the church and their nearby offices. Pray for the people of Ephphatha that they can stay hidden away and stay safe, and that they might not lose hope as a result of this destruction.  

Fri 28th – Uganda Praise God for continuing to bless CFM’s door-to-door evangelism program. Praise God and for the people who are hearing the gospel for the first time, and for those who are giving their life to Christ.

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