Help them share the love of Jesus
Your WorldShare partners across the globe – like Sunshine Cambodia and local pastors like Sophorn – stand ready to share the good news of Jesus with their communities…
But they need your help!
Sophorn says:
“We do not have many resources, but we have faith. Sunshine have helped us build relationships with other members of the community…
“It’s so encouraging to feel like we’re not just working by ourselves.”
If you feel led, your support today to help meet a $30,000 funding gap will equip many passionate witnesses to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world’s most vulnerable and marginalised.
So, if you feel led to give, thank you for giving so generously today!
God bless you!
Grace and peace,

Glyn Henman
Chief Executive Officer
*Gifts to support our partners’ evangelistic ministries are not tax-deductible.
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