A dream reborn

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As a young child, Allen dreamed of one day becoming a doctor. 

And even from an early age it appeared that she had the potential to make this dream a reality. She was smart, determined, hardworking and had a heart for helping people in their time of need.

But her life situation was about to take her on a detour – one that would test her resolve, but that would ultimately lead her back to (a slightly different way of) realising her dream of helping others.

A Dream Deferred

Growing up in rural Uganda, in a family that continually struggled to meet their basic needs, a teenage Allen found herself pushed into a relationship with an older man who promised to financially support her and take care of her.

But it wasn’t long into this relationship, when Allen fell pregnant unexpectedly, that, instead of caring for her the man cast her out from his home.

Suddenly she was pregnant, alone and living on the streets. Her hopes for any kind of future, let alone the one she dreamed of, crumbling before her eyes

Cast Out, But Not Forgotten

But by the grace of God, Allen was brought to the pregnancy crisis centre run by our ministry partner in Uganda.

The centre offers temporary shelter, pre- and post-natal care and counselling for young girls with unplanned pregnancies. These girls are often victims of sexual abuse and are subsequently abandoned by their families to avoid shame.

Our partner reflects God’s love for these outcast young mothers and abused girls by providing them with the care and love they need, right when no-one else will.

At the centre, Allen discovered not just shelter but a community that valued her, reflected Jesus’ love for her and believed in her potential. As a result, in addition to physical care and emotional support, our partner offered Allen the chance to learn new vocational skills while she awaited the arrival of her child.

After giving birth, Allen reconciled with her family (with assistance from our partner’s counsellor) and resettled back home, where she spent a year caring for her baby and helping support the family by working on their farm. 

But throughout all these challenges and hardships, her determination to return to school and finish her education never wavered.

Driven by this ambition, Allen found a job in the city, saved diligently, and went back to school (while also caring for her child) and successfully completed her Senior 4 education (the equivalent of finishing year 10 here in Australia).

A Dream Reborn

Shortly thereafter, Allen’s perseverance paid off when a spot in our sponsorship* program opened up. This opportunity was the key to unlocking her long-held aspirations to help and to heal.

Thanks to the financial support from her sponsorship, she was able to enrol in a School of Nursing and Midwifery, and from there she flourished – excelling both academically, socially and in extracurricular activities like football and chess.  

In June this year she passed her final exams, and a few weeks later, in a grace-filled turn of events, she was invited back to the very place that had once been her sanctuary – our partner’s pregnancy crisis centre – where she is currently a midwife in training while she awaits her graduation in November.

It’s incredible to see how God has used Allen’s hardships to bless her community as she comes to this role with her not just medical knowledge, but a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the women she’ll serve.

Allen’s story is more than a personal triumph; is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of compassion and opportunity. From a young woman in crisis to a soon-to-be midwife – coming full circle and now caring for others who are facing the very challenges she has seen through – Allen is a wonderful testament of how God is at work, through our partners and your support, to see people’s potential being realised.

This is an excerpt from our latest edition of Hope Magazine. Which is filled with powerful stories of people realising their potential – their capacity and possibility – in the face of incredible challenges, thanks to your support.

You can read the rest of the magazine online here, or get in touch to request one be sent to you in the mail.

*This is our young mothers sponsorship to provide girls from the pregnancy crisis centre opportunities to complete their education or undertake further study or vocational skill training.

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