Hope and a future for every child.
Our Neighbours Ministry
(Photo: Isaiah’s Babies Home – one of the parts of Our Neighbours Ministry)

Dear partner,
Thank you so much for considering supporting and partnering with Our Neighbours Ministry!
We partner with WorldShare Connect in Australia as we continue the vital, life-changing work we’ve been doing for 20 years now in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Your contributions and partnership, as well as those of our existing partners, will enable us to do what we do. Please know what you are part of!
Please complete the form below to support the work of ONM.
After completing the form, you’ll get an immediate email confirmation. If your gift is once-off, this email will include your tax-deductible receipt. If your gift is a recurring payment, your tax receipt will be provided by postal mail in July at the conclusion of the financial year, ready to be included in your tax return.
Thank you so much for your love and partnership!
Martin Barrow
PS If you prefer to give via bank transfer, or if you have any questions or require any assistance, please call the kind people at WorldShare on 02 9712 8222, or email OMN on isaiahs@yoafrica.com
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