Bangalore City Mission
Providing safety, education and empowerment for vulnerable women and children.
Bangalore City Mission (BCM) shares Jesus’ love for women and children in urban poor communities surrounding the rock-cutting quarries – the poorest areas of Bangalore city.
Through their school, Sinclair’s School, and Centre for Women and Children, they provide opportunities for education, vocational training and child-care services to empower individuals and enable them to escape the exploitation and danger of the quarries.
End exploitation through education, empowerment and independence.

BCM’s child sponsorship program supports Sinclairs School to provide a quality Christian education (along with school uniforms, books and transport) for around 200 children from marginalised families in the poorest and areas of Bangalore.
Educational opportunities for these children are rare and this is their best chance to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and have hope for a brighter future.
BCM’s Women and Children’s Centre provides women with opportunities for vocational skills training and childcare, and young children with daily nutritious meals, safety and early childhood education.
Vocational skill training empowers women to earn an income and build crucial life skills, so they can help support their families and increase their self-reliance. Early childhood education is building first generation learners and reducing the chances of them being drawn into child labour.
About India

While India has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades, there are gross inequalities apparent throughout the country.
Around 220 million Indians still live below the country’s poverty line of earning 60 cents (AUD) per day, and 84 million of those are living in extreme poverty, where they struggle daily to meet their most basic human needs.
Two of the country’s biggest challenges are:
- Childhood malnutrition – with almost 60% of children experiencing varying degrees of malnutrition, India is home to the highest number of malnourished children in the world;
- A lack of education – only 50% of children finish secondary school, 20 million children are not attending preschool and half of primary school children (50 million children) aren’t achieving the age-appropriate learning levels.
Introduction to Bangalore City Mission
Stories from Bangalore City Mission
Faces of Resilience – India
Welcome to the first week of Faces of Resilience, a powerful photo series that captures…